We have a new procurement system! Register on OpenGov to stay updated on new proposals at ONT.
Ontario International Airport provides opportunities for businesses through Requests for Proposal (RFP), Requests for Qualifications (RFQ), and competitive bidding. All opportunities are available online through OpenGov. Opportunities to support and enhance Ontario International Airport are updated regularly so please register your business through OpenGov to stay informed.
The Procurement staff is responsible for oversight of supply management activities required for the acquisition of a wide variety of materials, supplies, equipment and services. Our Goal is to obtain maximum value by fair and open competitive bidding, while providing efficient and reliable services to the departments within the OIAA and ultimately the OIAA. OIAA departments fall within the general categories of:
- Administration
- Community & Public Services
- Police
- Fire
- Construction & Maintenance
The Ontario International Airport Authority (OIAA) utilizes OpenGov, a fully automated web-based vendor and bid management system. Only vendors that are registered will be eligible to do business with the OIAA. Simply click the button below to begin the registration process. Once you have successfully completed the registration process, you may immediately select the “Bid Opportunities” tab to view all active and awarded bids.
For step-by-step instructions on how to register, click the button below:
Viewing Bids, Proposals, & Quotes
To review any open or awarded RFB, RFP, or RFQ on OIAA’s bid management system, click the “Online Bid System” link on the left under “Contracting”. Then choose “Bid Opportunities”.
Prior Solicitations
The RFP/RFQ's below were posted prior to OIAA establishing its online bidding system and will eventually be removed:
Business License
Vendors, suppliers and others conducting business within City limits may be required to obtain a City of Ontario Business License. Licensing Information may be obtained here or by calling (909) 395-2022.
Bonds and Insurance Requirements
Depending on the commodity or service sought, successful bidders may be required to furnish any or all of the following:
- Bid Bond
- Performance Bond
- Labor and Materials (Payment) Bond
- General Liability Insurance
- Automobile Liability Insurance
- Professional Liability Insurance
- Workers' Compensation
(Special requirements are outlined in the bid package. Be prepared to provide proof of insurance coverage with the OIAA named as additional insured)
Bid Advertisements
In addition to posting on the OpenGov website, the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Bulletin) is the OIAA's legal newspaper of record for all required advertisements. Projects defined as a "Public Project" by the State of California Public Contract Code will be advertised twice in the Bulletin in accordance with the Code.
Bids for most commodities and all public projects are awarded based on lowest responsive, responsible bid. However, some solicitations (RFQs or RFPs) for some commodities, professional services and maintenance services may be awarded to the respondent offering the best overall value as determined by the OIAA.
Purchase Orders
Unless a credit card or petty cash is used, a purchase order is required for all purchases. Vendors are not to provide goods or services without first obtaining a purchase order number from the OIAA and preferably a copy of the approved purchase order. The purchase order number must appear on all packages, packing slips, and invoices. A purchase order is required for procurement of services even though an agreement may exist.
All invoices should be directed to the "Bill To" location specified on the Purchase Order since submitting the invoice to a different address may delay payment. Invoices must reflect (1) the OIAA purchase order number; (2) a complete description of the goods or services furnished; (3) quantity; (4) unit prices and extension; (5) applicable taxes; (6) discount terms; and (7) name of the receiving department.
The OIAA's standard payment terms are net 30 days after receipt of materials or satisfactory completion of services and receipt of an approved invoice. Discount terms are welcome and taken where feasible.
Vendors may request to receive payments via ACH transaction. If you would like to apply for ACH payments, complete the form in the link below and submit it with your executed contract.
ACH Payment Financial Information Form [PDF]
Conflict of Interest
All persons, contractors, consultants, firms and suppliers doing business with the Ontario International Airport Authority (OIAA) must complete and submit this Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure [PDF]
Cooperative or "Piggyback" Agreements
The OIAA may take advantage of cooperative or "piggyback" agreements. Competitive bidding is not required for orders covered by these contracts. If your firm has been awarded a contract with another government agency and can offer the same pricing to the OIAA, please contact the Purchasing office at (909) 544-5270 or by e-mail to [email protected] with this information.
Gifts and Gratuities
OIAA employees and elected/appointed officials are prohibited from accepting money, premiums, incentives or anything of value from any vendor or potential vendor seeking the right to provide goods and/or services to the OIAA. Vendors are asked to please respect this policy.
Ethics Policy Statement
All OIAA employees are required to exemplify high standards of integrity in their individual conduct and are responsible to ensure that they conduct procurement activity consistent with OIAA policy and procedures and applicable federal, state, local laws and regulations.
The Ontario International Airport Authority (OIAA) utilizes OpenGov, a fully automated web-based vendor and bid management system. The system simplifies engaging in business activity with the OIAA by providing a searchable online database of current bid opportunities in an easy to use, secure and reliable environment.
Vendors will find that the key features and benefits of OpenGov include the ability to:
- View solicitations including documents, addenda, drawings, bid results, and contract awards online.
- Register as a vendor and manage your profile online. (available to subcontractors, suppliers, plan rooms, etc.)
- Receive automatic e-mail notification of bid opportunities based on category code selections made during registration.
- Download documents at no charge (requires registration) resulting in inclusion on the “Prospective Bidders” list for the project.
- As a Prospective Bidder, submit questions in the bid management system and receive automatic e-mail notification when responses or addenda are issued.
- Submit bids electronically (hardcopy of bids or proposals may also be required).
Only vendors that are registered will be eligible to do business with the OIAA. Once you have successfully completed the registration process, you may immediately select the “Bid Opportunities” tab to view all active and awarded bids.
How to Obtain Bids
When you receive an e-mail notification about a business opportunity, you will need to take the following steps in order to review the solicitation details and any documents associated with a bid, request for proposal (RFP), or request for quote (RFQ):
- Clicking on the project title link in the e-mail notification will take you to the Bid Information page.
- Review summary information to determine your interest in the project.
- If interested in project, further action will require that you log in to download or submit bid.
Any other time you wish to review information on OIAA’s bid management system, click the “Bids/Vendor Registration” link on the left under “Procurement”. Then choose “Bid Opportunities”.
If you have any questions regarding the system’s features, please click on Help for assistance or contact the Purchasing staff at (855) 680-4747.
Protests of Recommended Award
A protest and all required copies relative to a Recommendation to Award of a contract to a particular bidder on the Notice Inviting Bids, Request for Proposals/Qualifications, must be submitted in detail, in writing, signed by the protestor or by a representative of protestor, and received in the offices of the Authority before 5:00 P.M., 14 calendar days from the date the OIAA issues a Recommendation to Award. The protest shall refer to the specific portion of the Notice Inviting Bids, any submitted bid, or other document which forms the basis for the protest. The protest must include the name, address, and telephone number of the protestor and protestor’s representatives. The OIAA will only consider protests by a bidder(s) who appear(s) to have a substantial and reasonable prospect of receiving an award if the protest is sustained. All protests must be addressed to:
The Office of the Authority
Ontario International Airport
1923 East Avion Drive
Ontario, CA 91761