Art @ ONT

Past Art Exhibits

Terry Flanigan

After retiring from a 35-year career as a nurse and geriatric nurse practitioner, Terry Flanigan began painting full-time. She works primarily with acrylics though recently expanded her palette to include watercolors.

Jack Flanigan

Jack Flanigan won his first drawing contest at age 5. Because he suffered from dyslexia, academic learning was hard; painting and creativity were his escape.

Robyn MacNair

Robyn MacNair is an arts educator, administrator, advocate and champion working in a large urban school district in California. During her career, she has supported and created opportunities for children, young adults and educators, enabling them to pursue creative interests, passions and aptitudes.

Clarine Commins

Clarine Commins was born in Brooklyn, NY, raised on Long Island and in Los Angeles and now lives in Palm Springs. Fiber arts were a strong presence in her childhood home – her mother taught her to knit and to appreciate the functionality, versatility and beauty of fibers.

Mark Rush

Mark has been painting and drawing since his youth. He studied art at Chaffey College (AA degree) and the University of California Riverside. He is a member of Associated Artists of the Inland Empire, Pomona Valley Art Association, Chaffey Community Museum of Art and Riverside Art Museum.

William Breer

I made my first pot in 1964 when I gathered clay from a puddle after a thunder shower in Mesa Verde National Park. I fired it in an evening campfire shared with graduate students in archaeology working as ranger/archeologists.

Pamela Fall

Pamela Fall is a photographer and artist, fascinated by man’s expression through art, culture and architecture. She combines her love for Italy, art and photography by taking images to a new level – painting photographs with watercolors.

Gorman Bentley

1950s rural North Dakota may not seem like an ideal environment for a “different” sort of child, but for Gorman, it fostered a sensitive awareness of the potential and needs within himself and others. That played well into his life career as an educator, and later, as an artist.

Ichen Le

Ichen Le is a self-taught alcohol ink emerging artist who began her artistic journey in 2021. As a very young child, she was once deeply in love with making art. Growing up in the academically competitive and results-driven culture in Taipei, Taiwan, she unconsciously denied her artist soul.

Ingrid Tegnér

Ingrid Tegnér was born in Southern California and spent most of her childhood years on Air Force bases. Sonic booms dominated the sound landscape of her childhood. She traveled, lived in Sweden, then the Washington DC area, her home for many years.

Victoria Johnson

Being born and raised in Southern California, the diversity of its topography and culture have provided fertile breeding ground for my imagination and inspiration for creating digital fine art. I create sometimes for a living, and sometimes for fun, yet always as a passion.

Terry Chacon

Terry’s art combines her love for the Afghan hound and the great outdoors. She is noted for her dog show scenes, her sculpture and her palette knife work when painting in plein air.

Britney Lu

Britney Lu was born in Arcadia, California. She currently is a senior at the Webb Schools of California in Claremont. Her first experience as an artist was in elementary school, preparing for an art showcase where she was taught how to work with clay.

Darrel McPherson

Darrel McPherson has painted over 1000 works of art in the last 30 years. He works in oils on canvas, painting from daily scenes of nature and beautiful forms from life.

Kate Joiner

Native California artist Kate Joiner uses instinctive loose brushwork and color palette as a representation of her surroundings. She received a BFA in multimedia from San Diego State University. An award-winning artist, her work has been shown at the San Diego Art Institute in Balboa Park and the Oceanside Museum of Art.

Natasha Patel

Natasha Patel is a self-taught abstract artist. Growing up, she was fascinated by the energetic expressionism of Jackson Pollock and the underlying feminism portrayed by the flowers of Georgia O’Keefe.

Nancy Sakurai

Born in Chicago, Illinois, Nancy Sakurai moved with her family to Orange County, California at a young age. She inherited a family of artist, performing arts and health care professionals.

Jordanna Kirschner

Jordanna Kirschner is a local artist who enjoys drawing from her own life experiences. She paints vibrant portraits that reflect aspects of herself once lost due to fear, signifying a fire within all along, ready to support her in facing those fears.