Parking FAQs
Stay in the know on all things "parking" at ONT with these frequently asked questions.
For questions and comments please contact the appropriate department below.
We always strive to offer you a pleasant, convenient and memorable experience at ONT. If your experience was unsatisfactory or you have suggestions on how we can improve, we'd love to hear your feedback. Please fill out our customer experience feedback form or contact our Administration Office via the information below.
Calls to the Airport Control Center and the Airport are recorded. Continuing with the call waives an expectation of privacy.
Airlines: Visit airlines page
Customs and Border Protection: 1-877-227-5511
Lost and Found: 909-544-5128
Rental Car: Visit rental car page
TSA Customer Service: 866-289-9673
Toll Free: (833)-435-9668 (IFLYONT)
Terminal 2
2500 E. Airport Drive
Ontario, CA 91761
Terminal 4
2900 E. Airport Drive
Ontario, CA 91761
International Terminal
2222 International Way
Ontario, CA 91761
ONT Rental Car Center
3450 East Airport Drive
Ontario, CA 91761
Administration Offices
1923 East Avion Street
Ontario, CA 91761