Families Traveling with Autism
ONT’S Voluntary Self-Identification Program for Travelers with Disabilities. Information on the Voluntary Self-Identification Program is available by clicking on the button below.
Ontario International Airport in partnership with LeRoy Haynes Center presents FLYING WITH AUTISM, MAKING AIR TRAVEL FUN. This class is generally offered before major travel periods.
Ontario International Airport in partnership with LeRoy Haynes Center presents FLYING WITH AUTISM, MAKING AIR TRAVEL FUN. This class is generally offered before major travel periods.
Families with members in the autism spectrum often fear flying because they do not know how they will be viewed by others if their loved one experiences an episode at the airport or on the airplane. FLYING WITH AUTISM, MAKING AIR TRAVEL FUN is geared for these families.
Professional counseling and education staff from LeRoy Haynes Education Center in La Verne, CA are well versed in the challenges families with autism experience and are experienced in meeting the challenges posed. Staff will go over common concerns faced by families wanting to travel and will explain methods to help manage them. Techniques to help family members cope with the stress of being in an airport environment will also be addressed. Useful steps to follow in preparing a family member with autism ahead of their journey to the airport and flying will be explained.
Airport staff explain services available at the airport such as the Autism Self-identification Program at ONT, and steps to follow when making reservations with the airline. Please check the site around one month before major holiday periods to see when the next class will be offered. airplane. FLYING WITH AUTISM, MAKING AIR TRAVEL FUN is geared for these families.
Pointers for Families with Autism: Preparing to Travel by Air (Checklist).
ONT’S Pointers for Families with Autism Preparing to Travel by Air, is a useful checklist for families with autism.
You can download the checklist by clicking on the button below:
TSA Cares provides information on security procedures aimed to help passengers with disabilities, medical conditions and individuals needing additional assistance to better prepare for the security screening process. For more information go to the site below:
Touring the airport terminal in advance of your travel.
The ONT+ Visitor Pass Program allows the non-traveling public to visit ONT and enjoy the amenities on the post-security side of the passenger terminal. Obtaining an ONT+ Visitor Pass allows our visitors to spend more time with their friends and family or shop and dine at the airport.
For more information go to: https://www.flyontario.com/ontplus
Flight Experience Program
The Flight Experience Program is a unique opportunity for individuals with disabilities and their families to experience the airport environment and the inside of an airplane. Whether you or your family member has a physical disability, autism, or other disability, you are welcomed to take advantage of this experience when offered.
If you have never taken a flight because of a disability or since becoming disabled, the Flight Experience Program is for you. The Flight Experience Program will empower you to realize flying is easier than you thought possible.
The Flight Experience Program is a joint program sponsored by a partner airline and the airport. The Flight Experience Program is offered periodically and is not on a set schedule. Please check the site periodically to see when the next Flight Experience will be offered.